Monday, April 20, 2009

Chuck the Writer finally gets THE PHOTO

Originally uploaded by chuckthewriter
In March 2008, I was at the PBL basketball finals between Rochester and Arkansas. At some point in the first quarter of the game, Rochester's Keith Friel went up for a basket, the ball didn't go through the cylinder, but Sammy Monroe and James "Mook" Reaves both went up to the rim for the putback - only to yank down the hoop in shards of glass. Players ran for cover, and some of the glass shards went into Mook Reaves' eye, almost blinding him.

I missed that photo. And I drove home cursing my Nikon D70 for missing the shot.

This year, Rochester was again in the PBL finals, this time facing Battle Creek. In the first quarter, Sammy Monroe made a steal and was ready to execute a two-hand reverse jam. He slammed the ball through the hoop - and the glass cascaded down again, almost drowning Battle Creek's Kenny Langhorne in shards. Langhorne was only slightly damaged, he finished the game.

And this time, I got the photo. And I take back every curse I ever made about my Nikon D70.

1 comment:

KThornes said...

THANK YOU FOR THE PHOTOS!!! Sammy Monroe is my little brother and unfortunately I was not able to attend the game but watched it online. The photos you took really made my night along with them winning the championship. I would like to get copies of these for my scrap book so can you please contact me at Thanks again for your beautiful work. It really means alot!